Your art needs to speak for itself. It needs to speak for you. And it’s supposed to speak to the person experiencing it for the first time.

 That’s why it’s so important to know what story you want to tell.

 The Pancake and Booze Art show is coming up this weekend (yes, that’s a real show, with real pancakes, and, well, booze) and it’s time to bring a collection of just six drawings for them to display.

 So, here’s a little insight into the ones I chose and why…

(Starting with the big picture and going clockwise)


Young Princes

I love these guys and have several pieces with the two of them. I drew this specifically for the show in London. They represent Princes William and Harry when they were children. I even adjusted their faces a tad to look more like the boys.


Come Play

I’ve always loved the playfulness of raccoons, and I use this as a meme for peoples’ birthdays on Facebook. “I heard it’s your birthday. Let’s go steal some cake!”


An Otter Kiss (Before I go)

I started a phase early on of just focusing on the details that matter, then let the edges drift away. As a child, I had a notorious habit of leaving things unfinished. In order to heal that past, I chose to raise “unfinished” into an art form. This piece was also the first one ever chosen to be in the Las Laguna Gallery, where I’ve been displaying work ever since.


Nobody Knows You’re a Doge

You know this dog if you ever hopped on the crypto bandwagon a few years ago. This was a rip on Dogecoins, and a cartoon I saw once that said, “On the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.” There’s still an NFT of this thing if you’re interested.


Touching Moment

I didn’t think I could draw elephants until a friend insisted, “you can draw elephants.” I used her wildlife photos as references and have since drawn these gentle giants many times. It was done in the same style as the otters and captured a moment dear to my heart.


Loving Hand

This was drawn during another experimental phase with my art. One where I really wanted parts of the story to be whisked away into the scribbles. Many people think the hand belongs to the baby and are surprised when they see the mother looking down. To me, it’s the eyes that tell the story the most, and this is one of my favorites.


The pieces span most of the past five years yet are far enough apart to be able to see the paragraphs within this last chapter.


I’ve enjoyed doing this show in the past and looking forward to being there this weekend… even if it’s going to be way past my bedtime.


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