There was another child once.

It was one year into being a dad when this came out of left field…

“Would you be willing to take on a three-year-old?”

Now I hadn’t planned on more, and I really didn’t want to take care of any human under 10 years old, but I felt there was something more. I thought…

“If I’m being called, I’m being called.”

He was a young African American child, currently living with a foster mom and his biological sister. She was only capable of handling the one child, and they needed to place him soon; to make sure he had a chance at real growth.

I checked in with Oscar, because this was a family decision that affected him as much as me.

We agreed to at least meet.

But before I get into that, let me digress for just a bit.

Soon after I started my job in 2010, I got an email asking, “who wants this adorable puppy?”

While other people asked about his breed and whether he was neutered, I wrote a dissertation to the foster mom, saying how I was heavily involved with animal rescue groups and promised I would give him a good life.”

When I went over to meet “Henry”, I picked him up and he put his head in my shoulder.

Foster Mom immediately said, “he’s yours. Take him home”

Dr. Indiana Henry Jones (“Indie” for short) has been with me ever since.

Now why am I telling you this?

Because we met the most amazing, beautiful young man, and when I picked him up…

He put his head on my shoulder.

I knew we’d be taking him home.



Life is filled with ups and downs. Every chapter has a lesson. I want to give my son a lesson he will always remember. Please help make this dream come true. Every little bit helps.

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